You can check out the full article on Twinfinite where they detail a fishing mini-game and other in-game ways to earn money. This package uses ThirteenAG's ASI Loader as seen here. Forklift (for Shenmue III) includes the unsigned PAK check bypass. To remove a mod, simply remove it from the Win64 folder. Return to Huang after catching the red catfish to complete this quest. Red Catfish - In the river downstream of the Verdant Bridge. Aim slightly to the right of the starting position. Green Catfish - In the pond at Sunflower Grove.
To install a mod, simply copy the script mod into the Win64 folder. Blue Catfish - Behind Joy Park in the River. The forklift will return as a part-time job, though no mention yet of racing them. Forklift will load any script mods found automatically upon booting the game. Also revealed is a turtle race mini-game which sounds like it plays a lot like Sonic Adventure‘s Chao race, where you cheer on your turtle.

It’s a far more complicated way to earn more money than the previous two games, but it doesn’t sound like too much of a headache. Playing mini-games will earn you prizes, which in turn can be sold at pawn shops for money. In the game there will be an arcade where you trade your in-game currency for a separate currency used only for mini games. While the event itself was initially confusing, failing to mention if the event was 9:30 AM or PM, what time zone it was in, and where on Reddit it could be found, eventually everything was sorted and the AMA took place at /r/IAMA. It seems China is once again impacting our entertainment, as the real world strict gambling laws in the country has changed the way mini games function in Shenmue III. GUI version (Recommended for most users) Non-GUI version. Last night Yu Suzuki held a Reddit AMA, revealing even more Shenmue 3 details for fans. The website Twinfinite details some of the information Suzuki reveals in the interview, with the focus being on mini games and how the system works in the game.

Speak to Dejing Hong at the Niaowu Ferry Terminal. To unlock the forklift mini-game, the player must make some progress in the Niaowu storyline (around the time Ryo is seeking the Buddha shop owner). The latest issue of Japan’s Famitsu magazine has a new interview with Yu Suzuki discussing the upcoming Shenmue III, and the highlight is an in-game image of Ryo once again riding a forklift. Shenmue III Ryo using a forklift again in Shenmue III.